27 July, 2024

5 Supposedly ‘Old-Fashioned’ Forms Of Advertising That Can Actually Still Work Well For Businesses

Advertising has grown and developed a huge amount over the past few years. In that time, many new and interesting ways have developed to get ads in front of those that matter – customers. However, with all the new innovations, there are still some tried and tested ways that companies can get their ads seen, and they are still successful.

So, with this in mind, let us take a look at five supposedly old-fashioned forms of advertising that can actually still work well for business.

1. Email Lists

Email lists have been around for many years, but they are still working at getting new products and services in front of customers.

One advantage of email marketing is that the people who receive them have usually given their email addresses to sign up or get a reward. That means they already have some interest in your brand.

You don’t want to send them so often that they get spammy, but they are an effective advertising avenue.

2. Outside Advertising Boards

Out of House advertising (OOH) is often seen as a waste of time. However, there is a lot of evidence to suggest that it still has a huge impact on those that see it.

OOH advertising is often seen by consumers as a more favourable way to see ads than those shown on television and streaming services.

As well as advertising boards, there are other outside areas that are also working well including bus shelters and phone box advertising.

3. Cinema Advertising

When you go to the cinema, you will be shown several ads before the movie starts. Although this can be expensive, you have a captive audience that will be watching your ads.

They need to be engaging and memorable, however, or they will be easily forgotten. This type of advertising is still surprisingly effective, especially if it relates to food or beverages sold in the cinema.

4. Blogger Ambassadors

Bloggers are still getting a lot of visitors to their websites and social media. Although this type of advertising was popular a few years ago, it is still effective.

Approaching bloggers to be brand ambassadors can be a process to find the right person for your brand. However, if you can find the right fit, then you have a person with a huge following that can drive sales to your website.

5. Discounts and Free Offers

There was a time when almost every retail store had a loyalty card or some type of free offer. Although the numbers of these have declined, they are still a great way to get a customer into your shop or on your website.

The offers need to be enticing enough for them to want them, and you need to find a way to keep those customers once they commit.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

Although there are many new ways to get your ads in front of potential customers, some of the old ways are still just as effective if used in the right way. So, why not consider sticking to some of the tried and tested, ‘old-fashioned’ forms of advertising for your business.

Claire James


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