22 October, 2024

Can You Define A Smart Business Brain?

Have there been times in business when you felt you weren’t smart enough?

Like during those particular business circumstances that made you feel like someone else is better than you in a certain situation like in meetings, negotiations and joint decision making?

Or when you have put in a great deal of time and effort researching, preparing and practicing for an important presentation and yet, your outcome still turned out not to be the best?

Now, before you start experiencing self-doubt and frustration, take a look at the seven types of business intelligence below which will help you to understand that our brains differ in business situations and that there is actually more than one type of intelligence.

What this means is that we are all unique individuals and as a result, our brains will have different stimulus responses so our interpretation in different business circumstances will depend a lot on a mixture of our experiences, senses, awareness and intelligence.

Which explains why some people are better a certain business context, because our intelligences differ, in what is called as the 7 types of intelligence. Knowing the type of intelligence that you possess, will help you in business to improve your own strengths and accept ‘allowable’ weaknesses.

By understanding these intelligences and mastering this concept, you will not only feel better at work, make better decisions and improve your confidence and performance, but you will also be able to delegate work to others who have different intelligences from you. This in turn will make the goal of improving brain power development in your business a much easier and rewarding journey.

From the list of 7 intelligences below, the goal is to find your type of intelligence and though it may not be absolute, at least you will be made aware of your inclinations and tendencies which will give you a deeper sense of understanding of  yourself in the areas where you are good at and the ones you can improve or delegate to others.

  1. Linguistic: Comfortable expressing themselves orally or through the written word. They love writing, storytelling and have an ability to understand the viewpoint of others. It is said that the left side of the brain is dominant for these types of people.
  2. Logical: Interested in problem-solving, patterns, strategy and experiments. They have a love of math, and science are usually organised and disciplined. It is said that the right side of the brain is the one dominant for this type of intelligence.
  3. Interpersonal: Charismatic and possess practicality and a sense of purpose for others. Which means they are good communicators, calm and are able to listen and speak well to others and use their influence to motivate their team, a quality that makes them good leaders.
  4. Intrapersonal: Aware of their actions are often self-motivated. Can be seen as aloof, shy and reserved but in fact, have the quality to be deeply connected to themselves that can make them determined achievers.
  5. Spatial: The experts when it comes to processing thoughts in drawings, images and pictures and who create and build. They make good architects, builders, animators, gamers, and multi-media professionals.
  6. Kinaesthetic: Process their experiences and knowledge through bodily sensations and show great control over their motor skills and are at ease with their physical bodies and movement. They often excel in sports, and dancing having a great control and sense for size, depth, distance and space.
  7. Musical: They have the “ears” for notes or tunes. They are the singers, composers or theatre actors who are often seen singing or drumming to themselves like a beat is within their bodies and have the ability to listen and “see” patterns.

Business Talk


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