27 July, 2024

Elizabeth Willetts, Investing in Women’s Architect, Scores at The Allica Bank Great British Entrepreneur Awards

Elizabeth Willetts, the driving force behind Investing in Women, has been crowned Services Industries Entrepreneur of the Year 2023 for the South East at The Allica Bank Great British Entrepreneur Awards.

This award, which is regarded annually as a hallmark of entrepreneurial achievement, witnessed an impressive pool of over 5,000 applications this year, underscoring its significance in the entrepreneurial community.

A Remarkable Achievement in a Competitive Environment

Earning a spot on the shortlist is a commendable accomplishment in itself, considering the high calibre of competitors, which further elevates the importance of Investing in Women’s victory. Previous winner James Watt from BrewDog said that winning felt “better than winning the World Cup”; Steven Bartlett even referred to the awards as “The Grammys of Entrepreneurship”, signifying the event’s prestige.

The judges stated: “A timely business that deserves to be highlighted. This accolade comes as a recognition of the outstanding work by Elizabeth and the entire team at Investing in Women, highlighting their dedication to supporting and empowering women in the business world.”

Francesca James, the founder of The Allica Bank Great British Entrepreneur Awards, remarked: “I am thrilled to witness the extraordinary achievements of this year’s winners. Their success stories are a testament to the dynamic and innovative spirit that thrives within UK entrepreneurship. These inspiring entrepreneurs embody the creativity, determination, and passion that are at the heart of our nation’s business success. Their accomplishments not only celebrate their own journeys but also light the way for future generations of innovators and business leaders”.

Richard Davies, CEO of Allica Bank, commented: “It has been a real honour to sponsor this year’s GBEA awards. Hearing the inspiring stories from this year’s winners really brings to life the important contribution British entrepreneurs make to our economy. At Allica, we couldn’t be more excited to see such a talented group of individuals making their mark in the business world, and we’ll be keeping a close eye on what they do next.”

Investing in Women, conceived by Elizabeth Willetts, is an innovative job board and recruitment agency that has been transforming the UK job sector since its creation at Elizabeth’s dining room table during the Covid pandemic in 2021.

Established with the goal of connecting competent women, particularly mothers in their 30s and 40s, with the UK’s leading employers, Investing in Women stands as a symbol of hope and potential. The platform is dedicated to facilitating connections between candidates and flexible, remote, and part-time roles, promoting the importance of work-life balance.

Under Elizabeth’s leadership, Investing in Women has flourished, partnering with a variety of respected organisations in diverse sectors. It’s become a hallmark for enabling women to balance their professional pursuits with their family and personal goals. The organisation’s focus on fostering gender diversity and inclusivity in the workplace has been widely praised and has significantly influenced the lives of numerous professionals throughout the UK.

The Allica Bank Great British Entrepreneur Awards are pivotal in celebrating and supporting entrepreneurs across the UK, fostering communities that bolster their growth at different stages. With intense competition and a legacy of recognising businesses that evolve into well-known brands, the awards represent a standard of entrepreneurial excellence.

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