10 February, 2025

How To Write Your Own Video Scripts With These Top Tips

Video marketing has never been more important, especially with the increasing number on social media sites and the opportunities for ads with videos. And video marketing is known to increase revenue by 49%. Just imagine if you started getting 50% more sales in your business. Would you use the increase to expand your business even more? Or outsource the video task so you could focus on the bigger growth strategies in your business?

However, f you think about video marketing and instantly feel overwhelmed, don’t worry as it’s understandable, especially when you’re just starting out to use videos in your business and as a form of advertising.

The good news is that videos can actually be created quickly and easily, even on your smart phone once you know what to do. But be tempted to just shoot a quick video without some preparation. You might think it’s ok and looks good from your own perspective, but you’ve really don’t want to be seen on camera rambling on, using what’s known as ‘filler’ words like “ay” and ”um” sounds and never getting to the point. You’ve seen these online, haven’t you!

Creating a good video script is about knowing your audience and making sure they can see and understand the message that you’re getting them to watch and listen to. And good videos are all about excellent preparation and script writing…

Here are some tips that can help you write a good video script…

Know your objective for your video before you start

In other words you want to get really clear and focus on the reason why you’re creating your video for your audience. What’s the big take-away that you want to get over? Is it to share some information or product educational tips, or on how to follow a process? Or, is your chief goal to show viewers what your product and service will mean to your customers after the purchase and use it?

Create an Outline

Now, it’s time to create an outline for your script. You don’t have to write this all at once. Just making a start will be helpful. And a good idea is to use bullet points to sketch out your script. Think of these bullets as a framework, like a table of contents in a book or a series of headings in a short report or blog post. You can also create visual images if you’re good a drawing.

Add notes as you go along

As you work through the framework of your script, imagine it like a movie in your mind… You’re the director and editor, so share your vision. And when you come to edit the video later, you’ll know exactly where to insert your visual props and images .

Get straight to the point

Once you have an outline for what you want to achieve with your video, it’s time to get writing your script. A very important point is not write long paragraphs but instead create short snappy sentences which make it easy for viewers to get your point right off the bat. This will get your viewers attention and keep them interested, otherwise they can quickly click elsewhere, especially on YouTube or social media to another video lurking to attract their curiosity.

Always have a call to action at the end

When you know the exact goal you want to achieve and have written out your script, don’t stop at this point. That’s because you really must have a sales message, a call to action or CTA as it’s know in the trade. Which means you’re going to ask your viewers to take some action as a result of watching your video This could be to get them to click to your website, get onto your email list by promising a report or gift if the opt-in gift, or it could be a direct offer to purchase your product and service,

Finally, read your script out loud and to someone who will be a critical friend

Once you’re happy with your script, have a go at reading it out loud. Make notes of the good points and any issues you make want to resolve. Always be prepared to add or cut word, especially if they’re product jargon or big words that might stop people in their tracks to work out the meaning. Just remember, that your main objective is to communicate clearly and precisely with your audience so they go: “Ah, I get it!”

In summary, video marketing doesn’t have to be a difficult. And with good script writing and some practice you can produce great video promotions that can boost your turnover and profits. So, take the time to prepare by drafting out your video scripted take action to shot your message and your offer to those prospects waiting out their online who need help in your area of expertise.

Business Talk

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