22 October, 2024

Get The Ball Rolling – A Quick Marketing Guide To 10 Things You Should Be Doing To Help Your Business On Social Media

Here’s a list of 10 marketing tactics for your social media sites…

  1. Get To Know Your Audience

It’s really crucial that you get to learn all about your ideal target audience in your market on social media. This needs to include demographic information, their interests, their online behaviours and their buying habits. Doing this research will improve both your reach of connections and your relevance to your prospects and customers on your social media sites.

  1. Listen To Your Followers

Once you know where your customers and future customers hang out on social media, you then need to track the conversations that they are having online. Keep a keen eye out for mentions of your products, supporting services and brand and listen to feedback. This is by far the best way to gather data and use the information to be creative and instigate changes that will help you improve your both your products and services and also your brand’s image.

  1. Engaging In Discussions

Now it’s time to join in and take part in the discussions and exchanges that are being started by followers. Which means, replying to and comments, and making sure you like their posts and share when appropriate. It’s also very important to make sure you acknowledge your audience by always replying to their direct messages which will keep them happy and loyal to you and your business.

  1. Being Active

Always keep your different social accounts active to stay in front of your audience by posting regularly at least once a day or three times per week. And when you do this, it’s a good time to be active by interacting with your network, making new connections and dealing with notifications.

  1. Paying Attention To Your Analytics

It’s important that you’re always checking how you’re performing on your various social media sites. That’s because the quality of your online interactions will tell you about your social media marketing strategy and keep you updated on key numbers such as how many engaged followers you‘re keeping and how your connections are increasing each week.

  1. Keep Using An Authoritative And Consistent Voice

Make sure you post great content to build your authority with your market and keep your messaging consistent going across all your various social sites by using your own bespoke brand ‘voice’.

  1. Being Original

Your presence on social media, isn’t just about your business, products and brand. Remember it’s about being ‘social’. Which means also being trustworthy, a friend, and someone who people look towards for novel, funny, educational and enlightened information. So don’t be impersonal and instead post fresh, trendy and friendly material.

  1. Proofreading All Your Posts

This is crucial to enhance your reputation and not distract viewers with careless mistakes. So, make sure you check your grammar, punctuation, and the tone of all your social media posts by proofreading them to avoid sending the wrong message and looking as if you don’t care. If you struggle with spelling, then  someone else to help you with your proofreading.

  1. Keep Adjusting Your Material

It’s also your job to keep a keen eye on any new trends on social media and be open to adopt your formatting. You can try some out and with your audience to test if they start engaging. One examples could be introducing interview podcasts in your market niche and then start to promote these on your social media sites to access their popularity.

  1. Provide Great Customer Service

It’s a fact that a number of your audience will directly contact you through your social media to get customer service. What you want to make sure of in these cases is that you provide them with support right away. Which means contacting with them directly rather than just sending them to a customer service pathway.

Business Talk


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