22 October, 2024

How to Use Social Media Influencers to Boost Your Biz

Brands with big marketing departments and unlimited resources have little trouble creating campaigns to increase revenue. However, for a small brand or startup, marketing is more challenging. Besides the cost, brands must also build a digital strategy, generate leads, keep current customers, and more.

One significant way that new brands and startups are solving those challenges is by using social media influencers. They have created a new lane that benefits brands. Continue reading to discover tips and strategies for using social media influencers to boost business. Implementing these tips will grow business and increase revenue.

1. Use All Four Tier Levels Of Influencers

Selecting the best influencers to promote your brand takes research. While performing research, brands must keep the different tiers of influencers in mind. All of them can promote brands and help increase revenue.

The four-tier levels of influencers and their number of followers are:

  • Macro/Premium – between 500,000 and 1,000,000
  • Mid-Tier – between 50,000 and 500,000
  • Micro – between 10,000 and 50,000
  • Nano – between 1,000 and 10,000

There are many influencer marketing platform businesses to help you manage your brand and avoid the overwhelm of managing influencers. According to Impact, businesses need “an easy way to build and manage your influencers relationships.”

2. Create Videos While Using Your Products

Videos especially appeal to the senses and create a loyal connection between the influencer and followers.

Some creative ways that influencers can use video are:

  • Unboxing products
  • Storytelling while using products
  • How-to tutorials
  • Shopping hauls

3. Give Discount Codes To Their Followers For Products

Getting creative as a brand is essential for ensuring the success of your brand and influencer programs. That starts with the trust and authenticity of the influence. When those characteristics get verified, discount codes and offers create a new level of buzz around products.

For an influencer, a discount code creates additional follower engagement. It can create an influx of new followers, which may take them to another tier. Influencers share discount codes as a hashtag or in their caption.

4. Write A Guest Blog On Brand Website

If your brand has a website and blog, some of the most fascinating blog posts are those written by influencers. Having influencers write adds a human spin to brands. They are case studies, entertaining, or educational.

Brands use guest blog posts to increase brand trust, increasing their reach. Other benefits of having influencers write guest blog posts include:

  • Increases click when they link the blog post to their blog or platform
  • Creates higher engagement compared to more traditional advertising
  • Adds potential customers to the sales funnel

5. Film A Thorough Review Of Products OR Services

There is nothing like an influencer’s review of a product or service. That review can cause a buying frenzy that will have a brand’s shelves emptied. A review done right can change a brand’s trajectory and customer base.

To reach influencers about reviews, brands must:

  • Tell the influencer what you want
  • Tell the influencer the timeline
  • Tell the influencer about compensation

Other tips and strategies for brands to get reviews include:

  • Diversify influencer outreach
  • Create long-term relationships with influencers
  • Help influencers with messaging
  • Create ambassador programs

6. Create Fresh Content

We often see television commercials as scripted marketing tools with strangers without connection to the audience. However, influencers have followers who trust their opinion and creativeness. That is why the business of influencing is lucrative for many.

Influencers share their life on social media platforms. The fresh content they create for a brand is crucial for brand awareness. Followers see that content and want their life as beautiful as they perceive the influencer’s life. We cannot compare the fresh content created by social media influencers to costly television commercials.


As you have read, for small brands or startup businesses, marketing is more challenging. Besides the costs, they must figure out digital strategies, generate leads, keep current customers, and more. That is why so many brands have turned to using social media influencers. When used, the six tips and strategies listed above for using influencers will boost business and increase revenue.

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