22 October, 2024

Discover 5 Ways To Build An Audience On Your Social Media

The fact is, social media is now a great opportunity for your business today because it’s an influential media source to connect and engage with your audience where they are online. Which means by using the right social media platforms for your business, you can build strong relationships, spread awareness of your brand and gain new prospects who will then become your customers.

Here are 5 different ways to build an audience on your social media:

  1. Identify who your audience is on social media

Before getting started on your social media campaign, it’s really important to clarify who your audience is actually going to be on social media. Get this goal right and it will determine every decision you make along the way because it’s not enough to say that everyone’s on social media. Just by having a large following, say on Facebook, doesn’t guarantee you’ll get sales and the results you want for your business.

So every time you log on, you really need to be focused on the bigger goals you’re attempting to achieve i.e. who you want to sell to, or your efforts may count for nothing. By identifying specifically who your audience is will focus your specific goals and results.

  1. Know where your audience is on social media

The fact of the matter is that your prospects won’t just show up if you just create a profile… You need to find them. They’re out there on social media, so you need to start by finding out which platform are they on. And if you’re not sure where they are, then check out your competitors, and ask your existing customers where they like to be online

To begin with, you don’t have time to use every single platform. Figure out where your potential audience are the most engaged and once you start getting results you can add more platforms to your list. So start by picking one or two from the following list of 5 of the top platforms:

Facebook is where most people seem to be using Facebook today, there’s a really good chance of your audience already being active on this site. Plus, Facebook have ways for your business to engage and build your followers through groups, pages and live video.

Instagram is continually growing in the social media popularity stakes since it was taken over by Facebook who have implemented the same audience search potential. Instagram is primarily dedicated to sharing photos and video stories so it’s ideal for your visual brand.

Twitter has timely content features such as for your business’ breaking news stories. Another advantage of this is that it’s particularly good for you to carry out research into what’s trending right now in your market. And, Twitter only permits short posts with a limited number of characters, it quick to use and you can set up to have 5 great posts per day.

LinkedIn is a business networking site with useful features that are especially useful if you have a B2B element in your businesses. Which means you can connect with other professionals and build your authority, trust and credibility.

YouTube isn’t just a platform for posting and watching videos. You can make an account to set up a business channel to share your brand, product and service videos and to interact with other content creators.

3. Interact and engage with people

Remember that social media is a long game where you don’t tend to see the outcomes and results you want straight away. Which means you have to maintain a regular presence and be seen interacting on a regular basis with your audience.

It may seem all engulfing at first, but just get started and plan a schedule and then spend a little bit of time each day focused on implementing specific tasks like answering questions, commenting, posting and connecting with new people, rather than just doing random acts or spending your valuable time scrolling around.

Some other good ideas are to: customise your news feed so that you only see relevant content; look for new groups and opportunities to interact; and check out your metrics and stats to see how your audience has grown over a period of time and scale up when you start seeing results.

4. Always have a call-to-action

Although a key objective on social media is to engage people and build relationships, you don’t just do this in business to be passive. At the end of the day you have to sell to achieve your overall desired business revenue and social media is an opportunity for you to get your audience to take action. Which means including a call-to-action wherever seems fitting, such as asking them to visit your website, read your blog post, watch a video, or check out you’re offers.

So, always look for new opportunities to include your call-to-action and what actions you want people to take.

5. Develop a positive mindset

Many people feel a bit uneasy at first when getting started on social media for their business, so before you start posting always get into the correct mindset. Which means you must have a positive thought process whenever you log on and engage with people to achieve the outcomes you want.

And one way to do this is to create a good mood before you open your account by doing an easy and quick activity to focus your attention on optimistic outcomes about how you can help others with great content information and by educating them about your business’ product and service offers.

Just don’t forget this point… It’s called a ‘social’ media for a reason, so be sociable, friendly and personable without being too pushy and you’ll engage and build good relationships for your business.

Business Talk


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